Consumer Business

Consumer Business

BDO AFA’s consumer business expertise combines the retail, tourism and leisure industries.

The retail and wholesale sector has key part of BDO AFA's client base for many years. The growth and development of BDO AFA’s tax, audit and accounting services have allowed us to develop our service proposition to the major players within the sector.

As more and more groups in the tourism and leisure sector look to expand to sea, spring and mountain areas, BDO AFA can help them to structure their business models, internal accounting and control systems and have the necessary knowledge on the ground.

Contact our Professionals

Renny Iordanova

Renny Iordanova

Managing Partner, Audit Services & Corporate Finance
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Sonya Dimitrova

Sonya Dimitrova

Director, Corporate Finance Advisory
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Gergana Ahtchieva

Gergana Ahtchieva

Director, Tax Services
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